
Week In Review: The Emmys, The Browns, and The 2018 Midterms

Week In Review: The Emmys, The Browns, and The 2018 Midterms

Image from TechCrunch

Image from TechCrunch

This Week in Review was written by Senior Editor Jake Whitfield.

The 70th Emmy Awards took place Monday. Among the highlights were a marriage proposal, the success of Netflix, and Game of Thrones winning best Drama Series. The awards show further revealed Netflix’s success in becoming not just a streamer of movies, but a producer of original movies and shows. Netflix originals’ in The Crown, Godless, and Black Mirror were all winners. The company ended the night with 23 awards, and a 5% stock increase the next day. You can read more here.

The Cleveland Browns hosted the New York Jets last night for the week three opener. The Browns’ first round pick, quarterback Baker Mayfield, made his NFL debut and led his team to their first win in 635 days. A win is a win, no doubt, but the hype surrounding Mayfield may be premature considering the victory came against the now 0 and 3 Jets. You can read more here.

The 2018 midterms are closing in on us as the signs continue to point to a blue wave. Democrats are poised to win the House with ease and are making considerable strides in winning the Senate as well. The Republicans have 8 Senate seats up for reelection while Democrats have 27. Despite this wide margin, Democrats now have about a 1 in 3 chance at gaining a majority in the Senate. If that is the case this November, we won’t be watching a Blue Wave, but a Blue Tsunami.

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