“Isolation” by Carson Lahr

“Isolation” by Carson Lahr

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Dear Reader,

It is an absolute pleasure to welcome you to Vista Magazine as we start our third year of publication. This year brings about changes, as our founder and visionary, Stephen Nielson, has graduated and handed over Vista to a new Editor-in-Chief.

While the core of Vista is the same, Stephen and I are not—with this, you may see Vista change a little. We will be centering each individual print magazine around a theme: tradition (issue seven), identity (issue eight), resistance (issue nine), and finally metamorphosis (issue ten). We hope you will still be loyal readers and will welcome the changes to come; and are so thankful you are here reading now.

Vista is student-led publication run for, and by, students on campus. We are inspired by the voices of the students, more specifically, of the multitude of voices that are contained within our small campus. Write poetry? Vista is for you! Have a hot take on a current issue? Vista! Interesting faith journey? Vista! Whatever it may be, we hope you find your creative (or serious) niche with us.

The origin and intentionality behind our name, Vista, is simple: "vista" means view or perspective. We are grounded in sharing the views, perspectives, and stories of North Park students.

Our mission is to bring the North Park University community thoughtful and engaging commentary on political and social issues, while also displaying the campus’s creative side through the arts, literary and otherwise. Anyone is welcome to submit their work for publication on our website. Entries for print publication are feature-length pieces (many mediums accepted and encouraged) and are scrutinized to a higher degree.

Use our website to read articles from our wide range of student contributors and check out our “Week in Review," a regular column pointing you to interesting reads across the web. Our magazine will feature all three sections you have gotten used to in the past two years (commentary, faith, and arts & culture) and hope to allow submissions in other languages as well.

As a publication, we do not advocate for any specific political ideology, but we have set standards regarding the posting of harmful and denigrating pieces as it relates to minority groups. We see our platform as a sacred space of student voices, and thus, view that it is our responsibility to highlight the diversity on campus and to use our platform as a space of learning. Our intention is to host a platform for North Park students to share their political opinions, faith stories, and creative works. That is why we exist. The freedom of speech, however, does not mean the freedom of hate speech.

As a student publication, we would like to be as transparent as possible. For this reason, we gladly welcome any comments and critiques you may have as a reader. Letters to the editor are also highly encouraged and will be considered for publication on our website or in print.

I am elated to be furthering the mission of Vista and to hear your stories.  


Bailey Myrin and the Vista Staff.

The Team 
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